3 Types Of Info You'll Need When Purchasing An Auto Insurance Policy
If you are preparing to purchase an auto insurance plan, it is smart to have all of the appropriate information on hand. This will make it easier for you to sign up for your policy without any problems. The information that your insurance company will ask for will vary, depending on the insurance company that you use, but these are some of the types of information that you may need to have.
1. Driver Information
First of all, you will probably be required to have drivers license information for all of the drivers that you want to list on your policy. Take the time to ask your spouse, teenaged children, and other drivers in your household for the information off of their drivers licenses, such as their drivers license number, expiration date, and drivers license state. Additionally, you will probably need to list each driver's name and date of birth. Make sure that you gather all of this information beforehand so that you will not have any hiccups when purchasing a policy and so that you can make sure that all of the drivers in your household are covered.
2. Vehicle Information
Next, you will need to provide vehicle information about all of the vehicles that you want to have covered by your policy. You will probably be asked for the year model, make, vehicle model, and vehicle identification number (VIN) for each car that you own or lease. You will also need to know about any safety features that your vehicles have, such as airbags or rearview cameras, since these may even help you qualify for a discount on your auto insurance.
3. Lender Information
If you are making payments on your car, then there is a good chance that your vehicle lender requires you to have comprehensive and collision coverage on your vehicle. Typically, you will need to provide information about your lender — such as the bank's name, contact number, and mailing address — when signing up for a policy. Then, your insurance company can send information to your lender to let them know that your vehicle is covered. Additionally, if your car is totaled, your insurance company will typically pay the lender first. Then, any remaining money will typically be paid to you after your car loan has been paid off.
Gather up the information above, and you should be ready to purchase an auto insurance policy without any issues.